Thursday, October 2, 2008

So so ..

Badminton was rather how do I put this.. hmm not that fun? I blame my mood and the fact that I kinda suck at it today. So yeah. I missed practically every time. It can be frustrating at times. And damn! My blister is back again. You must be wondering that it would be on my leg, but tell you what it happens to be on my finger? how strange? I think my racket is somehow not good ,most probably the handle part? Mel`s sister said maybe cause my handle is too hard so yeah. It is suppose to be softer I think? I had this racket since who knows how long. So I`ll just have to bare with it.

Mel brought her entire family tree to play along. Nah, I mean don`t include her grandparents or aunt/uncles lar! How semangat can they be? :) I observed them playing today and they looked so adorable! Especially her mom and dad! Damn cute lar! omg. Her dad is damn cute lar when he smiles, like young boy. Her mom is HOT. (: I mean it`s not like this is the first time seeing them but.. aiya. Mel was busy playing with her family, so Jess & I did some bonding I guess? hahah.. Jess is darn cute wey, especially her voice and her reactions. Okay I sound like a freggin Lesbo. ugh.. Something really funny happened, but if I say it out here Jess would probably smash me with the racket. hint *wet spots* Jess! (:

We played game today, & I have to say this is my first or second time playing game, so yeah it's pretty obvious that i sucked at it? I didn`t know the rules and regulations of playing game. Kena marah wei. hahaha. I felt like such a noob there. :( But at least I tried, I am not bad actually. HAHAH. Practices makes perfect ! (cute is what we aim for) . Oh when I was playing with Adrian, I actually swung too hard and my racket flew out from my hand ,it actually flew pass the court and yeah you know the rest. Stoopid Adrian burst out laughing, but I laughed too obviously! I felt dumb. hahah. It was the dumbest thing I ever did today. *shakes head and runs away*

I think those Gong Gong's (elder ones maybe about 60 years old and above) who plays badminton are so adorable and cool ! They're so much better than us? Shame on us. I have no idea since when badminton was a regular sport that I actually enjoy doing? I actually enjoyed badminton when i was really young probably during primary school and swimming too? and then suddenly I just stopped playing any sports ? Maybe thats why I was so chubby way back then? Did I mention that I was a fat kid last time? I mean seriously plum! I hate it when my bro used to call me `fei mui, fat pig and etc..` Wait, he actually still calls me that. yiiish.

I bet everyone is having fun at Adrian's place now. :( My mom wouldn't allow me. yer.. Don`t have too much fun without mee! So here I am, crapping about my life, while they`re having the time of their life there. *sniffs* I miss the song Almost by Bowling for Soup, it was my all time favorite song last time. Do you know what my Physics tuition teacher actually set this song as his ring tone? What a cool Physics teacher huh! Those who attend Jaya Diri`s physics class would know. I know I have been blabbing too much, and I'ma stop now.

Accidentally In Love :(

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