Monday, February 25, 2008

Exam`s bloody near.

Hey there folks!
As you can see, this is my new blog .
I really hope it doesn't `die` like the previous one. ;p
Exam`s blooody NEAR.
and i`m soooo NOT readyy. I`m serious.
Getting pretty worried here.
OH! and btw there was a inter-class drama at DJ on Friday . Unfortunately we didn`t win.
BUT it`s alrightt! we had LOADS of fun , didn`t we ?
People expected our class to win THO.
i definitely enjoyed myself on stage! ;) and i had to SING on STAGE!
gah , that was the scariest shit I`ve ever did in my life!
Okay, maybe it's not `thescariest` thing but hell it wasn't `theeasiest` thing to do.
Would you dare ? no? bet so. ;p

will elaborate soon.

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